FR5EC'S HYBRID MOXON/W8JKAbout a month ago, the MoxonAntennaProject was contacted by Jean-Claude, FR5EC who wanted to know if anyone had tried building a W8JK multiband antenna as a moxon. I said "no" and why not try. Well, he did and below are his various notes and designs, including his antenna models. Jean-Claude's idea was to marry a W8JK bi-directional multiband antenna with a moxon design. He believed that the two principles would work together and turn a moxon into a multiband antenna with superior performance. Over the next month, Jean-Claude sent many files and designs. His english isn't too good, and neither is my french...hello google translate! So, here are his designs and various files you can download and view. You can see more on Jean-Claude's website by going to: TO VIEW THE FILES, CLICK ON EACH LINK BELOW: JEAN-CLAUDE'S MAIN PDF FILE DESCRIBING HIS PROJECT (french and english) ANTENNA MODEL (mmana file, not eznec)
Steve Hammer, K6SGH