Ed Davies,
KI6SZK, recently sent in this excellent piece about his UHF design.
Proof once again that no two moxons are identical--ed
I am newly licensed and an apartment dweller (San Jose,CA),
so I have limited recourse when erecting radiating structures. I stumbled
across this site while looking for “easy and cheap” antennas (#1
and #2 priorities). I read through the site and downloaded the design
program, then spent an evening building one for the 70cm FM sub-band out of my
scrap pile and junk box. I used scrap .060” copper rod for the elements
and cut polystyrene rod for the end gap insulators. I also happened to
have a scrap piece of low loss ULTEM material for the feed insulator. The
feed line came from the junk box and is some sort of low loss version of RG-174
type coax salvaged from somewhere with a BNC connector on one end. I also
used a salvaged NiZn mix RF suppression core for the 1:1 balun to protect
against feed line radiation. I took care in measuring and bending, as
well as keeping the whole thing as straight as possible (picture 1).

Wanting to test it immediately, I taped it to a broom handle
and propped it up on a bookshelf in a corner of the living room facing NNW (pictures
2,3). The feed line was ~20’ of salvaged RG-400 type coax, as well
as the short length of RG-174 type coax attached to the antenna itself, along
with several coax connectors and adapters to my Yaesu FT-60 handheld. I
am on the third floor of my complex (top floor) but have a screen of trees and intervening
buildings in the near field. In spite of this, I was able to key up a
repeated 50+ miles away in San Rafael, CA. I was able to do so
even with 500mW. Signals were strong and clear both ways even at low
power. At 10mW per mile on two pieces of bent copper rod propped up in
the corner, through an RF obstacle course of trees and buildings? I am a believer!
I have no way of accurately measuring the performance of
this antenna quantitatively, but as for qualitative performance it is a winner.
I was unaffected by strong local repeaters on adjacent frequencies located
on the backside of the antenna pattern and VSWR is <1.2:1 across the entire 440-450
FM sub band as measured by my Bird wattmeter. It would seem that careful
measurements and keeping it all straight when assembled are the keys to making
this design work well.
I am now working out the details of a 6m version for use in
the field when camping. A small UHF array design using these as radiators
is also planned. When I upgrade next month, I will make one for HF use in
the attic crawlspace (stealth antenna).
Relatively easy and cheap with great performance! What
more can you ask for?
73s to all,
Edmund Davies
San Jose,CA visits: [an error occurred while processing this directive]