August 2021: Under NEW Management!
Link to Moxon Project News
The goal of this website is to share the experiences of MOXON antenna builders everywhere. Averaging 4.8 million hits per year, since 2003 it's all about Hams Helping Hams, the underlying theme of the MOXON Antenna Project. Invented by Les Moxon, G6XN, the MOXON is a stealthy gain antenna that's inexpensive and fun to build. It's a great Saturday antenna project especially for new hams seeking their first gain antenna. This antenna can be mounted on a simple push-up mast and rotated by hand or with an inexpensive light duty rotor. The Moxon is especially attractive to hams who want to avoid purchasing more expensive towers and rotors and desire a directional antenna. For their size they're high performance antennas that lend themselves well to the spirit of experimentation as evidenced by the large number of Moxon variants sent into the Project website over the years. No two Moxons antennas are alike! The physical dimensions certainly are, but how the elements are constructed and suspended varies substantially. After you spend some time looking at the "What's New" shown below, or browsing through the "Participant" section, you'll see what we mean. The best place to start is at the beginning, so visit the Construction section. Performance is what counts! After you build one (try building a small one for 6 or 2 meters) and you'll agree that based on gain and F:B, the Moxon Rectangle is a superb antenna that is fun to build, works like a champ and is virtually indestructible. And they're great for portable field operating as well. They're my favorite antenna for Field Day and a great antenna to build for summertime 6 meter band openings. We invite you to click on the various links to learn more about the project. If you have questions, the QRZ antenna forums are a valuable first resource or send our webmaster an email. 73, James, W7JMP and Moxon Antenna Project Participants everywhere! p.s. Want to include your MOXON on this website? Just email your construction notes, performance observations and photo attachments to the webmaster James Palmer, W7JMP. (note: most of the other email links to me on this site don't work..use the link shown here.) |
The man who started it all
John with his best friend Buffy
hits from 3/17/12